Friday, August 31, 2012

You Know You Have a Preemie When...

Cooper in his "big boy" clothes!
So this is probably true for mom's of all newborns, but especially with preemies...You know you have a preemie when the most exciting part of your day is when your baby poops!  After several days, Kinley finally pooped today (without any "help"!)  With all of the tummy issues she has been having, this was very exciting and a good sign.  Sandy was back today and she decided to give Kinley until about 3:30 this afternoon before she was going to request a suppository to help her out.  At 3:15, we went to check her diaper and we both did a happy dance!  

Her residuals have remained about the same (3-4 cc's) even though they have increased her feeds.  In the best circumstances, we would love to see 0, but we'll take it for now and hope they decrease and she continues to keep things moving!   Again, your continued prayers are so very appreciated!

We finally got around to taking up Cooper some real baby clothes yesterday and he looked so cute in his onesie!  He looks like a newborn now and just keeps packing on the weight!  I joked today that he will outgrow his preemie clothes by next week, but I think that may actually happen, and we will be thrilled if it does!  It looks like he may even be able to start trying out a bottle in another week or two.  

Overall, today was out best day of the week yet, and we hope and pray that tomorrow will be even better!


  1. Great news!!!!! Precious picture!!!!

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Lindley "Douglass" Herring here. I've been keeping a close eye on your babies via your blog and Cooper is just precious! Love that picture! He looks so sweet and happy. Please know I think of you guys often and have those sweet dumplins in my prayers daily. Keep blogging and the updates coming! Take care :)
