Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Milestone Day

Kinley has gotten LOTS of attention lately, so today, for a change, I am going to start with Cooper.  Cooper had a very big day today!!  Early this afternoon, they took him off of CPAP, so he is breathing completely on his own with a nasal cannula for a little extra oxygen.  The only "dips" he has had in his heart rate have been during far he has be doing an awesome job and we are so proud of him!  There is always a chance he may need to go back on CPAP for a little while, but even if he does, this is a huge step for him.  He LOVES not having the prongs in his nose and the tubes pulling on his face all of the time.  We really got a chance to see what he looks like today and I have to say, he is his father's son!  I am hoping to post pictures of him in his new "home" in the next day or two.  I got to hold him for a few minutes today and it was so wonderful to be able to cuddle closer with him!  

Cooper also got to move from his covered isolette to an open "big boy" crib today!  He gets to wear clothes now and be swaddled, which he also loves.  In addition, he graduated to "regular" preemie sized diapers...real Pampers!  It was so great to see him handle all of these changes so well and was just what we needed after such a challenging week.  Thank you for all of your prayers for Cooper, we just know he will keep this up!

Kinley is still recovering and improving since her surgery on Tuesday.  Her heart ultrasound after her procedure showed a completely closed duct with no blood flow through it.  Her heart is having to work differently to adjust to the change, so she is still getting used to that.  So far, the doctors have told us everything she has shown us since the surgery is typical and what they expect to see after a PDA ligation.  In the next day or so, she should be starting to show us some real improvement.

Initially, they had her on pain meds every 4 hours, but today changed her to every 6, and then to "as needed".  If you're like me, you may be wondering how one is to know when such a young baby needs pain meds.  Basically, they watch her heart rate and her oxygen saturation very carefully, especially when they are "messing" with her to change her diaper, reposition her, or assess her.  Usually, if she is in pain, she will desaturate, or drop her oxygen levels and her heart rate will increase.  You can also actually get a really good idea by just looking at her.  It is pretty apparent if she is resting comfortably or not.  Our nurse for the past two days, Bridgette (another favorite), has been very good about making sure Kinley gets her pain meds when she needs them.  Interestingly enough, Bridgette was Sandy's preceptor (trainer) when she moved to Texas Children's and I truly believe they are two of the best nurses in the hospital!  We love it when they don't work on the same day, because it means we get to have each of them, and they both have been a huge blessing!

Because Kinley is still on pain meds, she is still intubated with a breathing tube.  The pain medication is very sedating and can cause her to forget to breathe.  We are hopeful that tomorrow her pain levels will have decreased enough to be able to extubate her and get her back on CPAP.

Another big thing we will be watching closely is how Kinley tolerates her feeds over the next few days.  They started her back on very small amounts breast milk this afternoon, and will increase the amount over the next few days as longs as she is tolerating them.  In the meantime, she is getting IV fluids to keep her hydrated.  

Overall, it has been a very good day.  All of your prayers have made a huge impact!  Please pray for Kinley to continue to recover well and for Cooper to keep up all of his great "work".  As always, thank you!

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